Este es uno de los ejércitos más emblemáticos de King of War. Posee todo el catálogo de miniaturas por Mantic Games. En este post recopilamos las mejores listas de torneo para Orcos de 3º Edición. Army lists Orcs KoW. En segunda edición era un ejército algo más limitado, basando todo su potencial en el Ancient Winged Slashers. En tercera edición, el arquetipo base ha desaparecido, por lo que las listas son más diversas.
Última Actualización 23/03/2021 – Last Updated 16 army lists added.
Army Lists Orcs | KoW 3ª Edition
Army list Orcs KoW 1495 points - Position (17)
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Horde(40) | Ax
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Troop(5) | Skulk Outriders*
Horde(6) | Trolls – Chalice of Wrath
War Drum
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Blade of Slashing
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (29)
Horde(40) | Ax – Chalice of Wrath, Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Ax – Dwarven Ale, Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole, Hann’s Sanguinary Scripture
Regiment(20) | Morax – Brew of Sharpness
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger – Blade of the Beast Slayer, Gore
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2), Drain Life (4)
Godspeaker – Conjurer’s Staff, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2), Drain Life (4)
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (1)
Horde(40) | Greatax – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar, Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
War Drum
Krudger – Orcish Skullpole, Gakamak’s Bloody Banner
Krusher – Blade of Slashing, Gore
Krusher – Mace of Crushing, Gore
Krusher – Gore
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (28)
Regiment(20) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax
Horde(40) | Longax
Horde(40) | Longax
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger on Gore Chariot
Krudger on Gore Chariot
Krudger on Gore Chariot
Krudger on Winged Slasher
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (63)
Regiment(20) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax
Horde(40) | Greatax
Horde(40) | Greatax
Horde(40) | Greatax
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
War Drum
Krudger – Gakamak’s Bloody Banner [1]
Krudger on Winged Slasher
Krusher – Mace of Crushing, Mount on a Gore
Krusher – Blade of Slashing, Mount on a Gore
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (52)
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Staying Stone
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Troop(5) | Skulk Outriders*
Troop(5) | Skulk Outriders*
Troop(5) | Skulk Outriders*
Troop(5) | Skulk Outriders*
Legion(6) | Gore Chariots – Brew of Sharpness
Legion(6) | Gore Chariots – Wine of Elvenkind
War Drum – Mount on a War Wagon
Krudger on Gore Chariot – Blade of Slashing
Krudger on Winged Slasher
Krusher – Mount on a Gore
Army list Orcs KoW 2000 points - Position (17)
Horde(40) | Longax
Horde(40) | Longax
Regiment(20) | Ax
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Blade of Slashing
Legion(6) | Gore Chariots – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger – Mount on a Gore
Godspeaker – Inspiring Talisman, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2), Mount on a Gore
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2), Mount on a Gore
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (1)
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole, Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
Regiment(3) | Orclings*
War Drum
Krudger – Orcish Skullpole, Gakamak’s Bloody Banner [1]
Krusher – Mount on a Gore, Mace of Crushing
Krusher – Mount on a Gore, Blade of Slashing
Krusher – Mount on a Gore
Army list Orcs KoW 2000 points - Position (23)
Regiment(20) | Greatax
Regiment(20) | Greatax
Regiment(20) | Greatax
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Regiment(3) | Gore Chariots
War Drum
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Zephyr Crown
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Healing Brew
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Heal (2)
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (25)
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Longax – Brew of Strength, Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Longax – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding, Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Longax – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar, Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Youngax
Regiment(20) | Youngax
Regiment(20) | Youngax
War Drum – Mount on a War Wagon
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Blade of Slashing
Flagger – Lute of Insatiable Darkness
Krusher – Mount on a Gore
Godspeaker – Inspiring Talisman, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Godspeaker – Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (41)
Horde(40) | Longax
Horde(40) | Longax
Regiment(20) | Ax
Troop(10) | Skulks* – Helm of Confidence
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger – Mount on a Gore
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Blade of Slashing
Godspeaker – Inspiring Talisman, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2), Mount on a Gore
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2), Mount on a Gore
Army list Orcs KoW 2000 points - Position (6)
Regiment(20) | Longax
Regiment(20) | Longax
Regiment(20) | Longax
Regiment(20) | Longax
Horde(40) | Ax – Brew of Sharpness
Regiment(3) | Fight Wagons* – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Regiment(3) | Fight Wagons* – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
War Drum
Godspeaker – Drain Life (4), Heal (2)
Godspeaker – Drain Life (4), Heal (2)
Godspeaker – Heal (2)
Wip the Outcast[1]
Ulpgar the Mad [1]
Army list Orcs KoW 1650 points - Position (12)
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
War Drum
Krudger – Gakamak’s Bloody Banner [1]
Morax Mansplitter
Allies Nightstalkers
Regiment(3) | Butchers
Regiment(3) | Butchers
Regiment(3) | Butchers
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (54)
Regiment(20) | Youngax
Regiment(20) | Youngax
Regiment(20) | Youngax
Regiment(20) | Youngax
Horde(40) | Greatax – Dwarven Ale
Horde(40) | Greatax – Chalice of Wrath
Horde(40) | Greatax – Staying Stone
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger – Wings of Honeymaze, Gakamak’s Bloody Banner [1]
Krudger on Winged Slasher
Flagger – Lute of Insatiable Darkness
Krusher – Mount on a Gore
Krusher – Mount on a Gore
Krusher – Mount on a Gore
Wip the Outcast[1]
Army list Orcs KoW 2000 points - Position (9)
Horde(40) | Longax – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding, Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Ax
Horde(40) | Ax – Blessing of the Gods
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Horde(4) | Fight Wagons* – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Blade of Slashing
Flagger – Lute of Insatiable Darkness
Godspeaker – Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Lista de ejército orcos 1650 puntos – Posición (12/48)
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
War Drum
Krudger – Gakamak’s Bloody Banner [1]
Morax Mansplitter
Allies Nightstalkers
Regiment(3) | Butchers
Regiment(3) | Butchers
Regiment(3) | Butchers
Army list Orcs KoW 1000 points – Position (8/48)
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Ax – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar, Orcish Skullpole
Flagger – Trickster’s Wand
Morax Mansplitter
Lista de ejército orcos 1000 puntos – Posición (15/48)
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Regiment(20) | Morax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
War Drum
Morax Mansplitter – Inspiring Talisman
Lista de ejército orcos 2000 puntos – Posición (9/16)
Horde(40) | Longax – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding, Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Ax
Horde(40) | Ax – Blessing of the Gods
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Horde(4) | Fight Wagons* – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Blade of Slashing
Flagger – Lute of Insatiable Darkness
Godspeaker – Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Army list Orcs KoW 2250 points – Position (10/28)
Horde(40) | Greatax – Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar, Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Brew of Sharpness, Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(20) | Morax
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Troop(5) | Gore Riders
Troop(5) | Gore Riders
War Drum
War Drum
Krudger on Winged Slasher
Godspeaker – Drain Life (4)
Krudger – Gakamak’s Bloody Banner [1]
Army list Orcs KoW 1495 points – Position (17/24)
Troop(10) | Morax
Troop(10) | Morax
Horde(40) | Ax
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Troop(5) | Skulk Outriders*
Horde(6) | Trolls – Chalice of Wrath
War Drum
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Blade of Slashing
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Replace Fireball (7) with Bane Chant (2), Heal (2)
Army list Orcs KoW 1495 points – Position (23/24)
Horde(40) | Ax
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Regiment(20) | Ax
Regiment(20) | Ax
Regiment(3) | Gore Chariots
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Zephyr Crown
Krudger on Winged Slasher – Healing Brew
War Drum
Godspeaker – Shroud of the Saint, Heal (2)
Army list Orcs KoW 2300 points - Position (26)
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Horde(40) | Greatax – Orcish Skullpole
Regiment(10) | Gore Riders
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Troop(10) | Skulks*
Horde(6) | Trolls – Chalice of Wrath
Horde(6) | Trolls – Dwarven Ale
Regiment | Gore Chariot – Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Krudger on Winged Slasher
War Drum
Wip the Outcast
Krudger – Gakamak’s Bloody Banner
Agradecimiento especial al Club Freak Factory por hacer posible las infinitas horas de entretenimiento en sus instalaciones.
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